Review: A Resource For Playing Horn in Brass Quintet

- - Please visit: Legacy Horn Experience - -
- - Please visit: Peabody Institute - -

Another excellent online resource.

One great thing about the Internet is that scholarly materials once hidden away in dusty library shelves have become more readily available to the public. Some researchers publish their works online as full-fledged web sites, making them freely available at the click of a mouse.

A few examples already noted here have included Dr. John Ericson’s Horn Articles Online and Daren Robbins’ Orchestral Horn Excerpts site.

» Guide to the Brass Quintet

A relatively new site is one by Dr. James Boldin, a professor at The University of Louisiana at Monroe. His Guide to the Brass Quintet is an excellent and in-depth resource for any hornist preparing to perform in a brass quintet — whether it be a student group, a professional ensemble or a faculty quintet.

The site is very well-organized and easy to comprehend at a glance. Included are printable excerpts, a discography, range requirements and additional resources.

Three cheers to Dr. Boldin for making this resource available for free on the Internet.

University of Horn Matters