2010 Web Site Stats Report

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Echoing John’s sentiments from yesterday, I would also like to extend a big THANK YOU to all our readers. Since launching Horn Matters about a year-and-one-half ago, John and I have watched the site’s statistics start from meager beginnings, to the relatively big numbers that we have today.

We use several different statistics tools to keep a tab on things and see if what we are posting is catching on. Here is a rough overview of the past year.

The gospel according to Google

These are results from our Google Analytics reports. We had one blackout month – mea culpa – which skews things a little. (You can see this in the graph below during August.)

Overall however these reports give a decent picture to look at.

Generally speaking, site traffic is moving steadily upwards. Instrumental in this trend has been our Facebook page, which currently has over 2,600 fans.


In these graphs below, sites of similar scope and size are marked in gray. When comparing Horn Matters (the blue line) to this baseline, we seem to be doing fairly well.

Since January 1, 2010

For some reason – and I am not sure exactly why – the benchmark stats vary from other areas within Google Analytics. From the site visitors reports, we get numbers that are a little different.

  • 40,000 Absolute Unique Visitors
  • 461,922 Pageviews
  • 4.57 Average Pageviews
  • 4:38 Time on Site
  • 26.04% Bounce Rate
  • 38.73% New Visits


When comparing this to a different, independent stats tool, I am left scratching my head a little. Here is what it says for page-views and visitors for 2010.

Discrepancies aside, these raw stats at a bare minimum show that Horn Matters has a devoted and growing following of readers that like to stop by and look around. From what we can tell, about 60% of our visitors are returning readers.

Breakdown by country

Again these are stats are from January 1, 2010 to today according to Google. It is fun to see how many different readers visit from around the world. (Australia wins for average time on the site – a whopping 20 minutes.)

Country Unique Visitors Average Pages Average Time
United States 72,150 4.58 4:15
United Kingdom 5,540 4.29 3:19
Canada 4,758 4.92 3:55
Australia 3,087 5.80 20:50
Germany 1,674 5.14 4:20
Belgium 1,405 4.13 5:24
France 1,148 2.97 3:58
Sweden 995 4.49 3:11
Netherlands 765 4.25 3:10
Spain 699 3.86 2:48
Italy 632 4.81 3:37
Singapore 483 6.21 6:35
Japan 459 3.85 4:05
Mexico 458 4.62 4:55
New Zealand 454 3.89 3:01
Hong Kong 361 5.94 5:17
University of Horn Matters