Where to Go Try New and Used Horns

- - Please visit: Legacy Horn Experience - -
- - Please visit: Peabody Institute - -

There is a point when a more advanced horn player really needs a more advanced horn to keep progress going forward. That point is when you really need to try some horns. And that point is also the point where, for many, there are no great local options to try horns.

There are basically two options besides testing the instruments of friends or teachers. There are dealers (some advertise here in Horn Matters, some don’t) that carry a good stock of new and used horns. Go visit them; it is well worth the investment of your time and energy. The other good option is to go to a horn workshop or other horn event.

The International Horn Symposium is always the best, but there are many other good options such as for example the Southeast Horn Workshop or the Mid-South Horn Workshop. Most event hosts list in the event website what dealers will be there for this very reason, as a big reason to attend an event is to shop for horns, music, and accessories.

When you get there, how do you test the horn? I have a few focused suggestions in this article, be sure to review it before you do any testing:

There are options as to where to try horns. Visit a good dealer or go to a workshop and focus on testing horns well as described in the link above, it is really worth your time to do so.

University of Horn Matters