Introducing Volume III of the Horn Matters PDF Excerpt E-Book

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Concluding this series is volume III of The Horn Matters PDF Excerpt E-Book. For volume III the focus is the 15 remaining public domain works that contain excerpts that come up less commonly on auditions but often enough to be highly worthy of study by advanced horn students. As before, the works were chosen based on a survey of ICSOM orchestra audition lists that I did a few years ago; for the complete results see John Ericson, “A New ICSOM Audition List Survey,” The Horn Call 33, no. 1 (October, 2002), 53-55. Volume III features these works:

Bach: B Minor Mass Volume-3-cover-snip
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 1
Dvorak: Cello Concerto
Dvorak: Symphony No. 9
Franck: Symphony in D minor
Mahler: Symphony No. 3
Mahler: Symphony No. 9
Mozart: Symphony No. 29
Mozart: Symphony No. 40
Rossini: Semiramide Overture
Saint-Saens: Symphony No. 3
Schubert: Symphony No. 9
Schumann: Symphony No. 3
Wagner: Prelude to Act III of Lohengrin
Weber: Oberon Overture

Volume III may be downloaded from our PDF library or can be directly downloaded here:

The combined orchestral excerpts the three volumes of this series would be the minimum of what I would hope that a graduate horn performance major would know well by the time they graduate – with the goal being that this basic study spur on a deeper study of all of these works, that the student is equipped to win auditions.

If you have studied these excerpts in order through the three volumes it would also be valuable at this point to go back to the works in volume I and study them in more depth, there are many more passages worthy of study from those works in particular but not included as they were beyond the scope of initial study of those works.

As with the other volumes, this E-book was designed not only to print easily from a computer but to also display well on an iPad or any tablet device. It is hoped that a new generation of horn students will find this new presentation of these excerpts of great use as they reach new levels in their horn study.

Will there be a volume IV? When I started laying out what became the first volume of this series I was not certain if I wanted to do more but even then had a fairly clear idea what would fit in a second and third volume. Liking how volume I turned out it was easy to produce volumes II and III. I also have in mind what would potentially be in a volume IV, but at this time will hold off, the key thing for me being my students and seeing if there really is a need for an additional volume or not.

I am excited to start teaching out of these new books and I hope you will be excited to study this great music from these volumes.

Information on Volume I here

Information on Volume II here

University of Horn Matters