Where to find accompaniments for the Bordogni Vocalises?

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I recently put out my version of the first 21 Bordogni Vocalises in a second edition (available worldwide from Amazon!), and the beginning of two of those versions (low treble and low bass clef) are featured exercises in my Low Horn Boot Camp publication (also in a second edition). A question came in, where can we find accompaniments to these for performance?

In the case of my version, there is a really easy answer: IMSLP. The Gumbert edition (of the first 24 of these) that was the basis of my edition (of the first 21) is for voice and piano, with a nice, simple accompaniment. It may be accessed from this page. Not only that, but the accompaniment as published is in the correct key for performance with the following versions:

  • Standard treble clef – on trumpet reading the music in C
  • Low treble clef – on horn in F
  • Standard bass clef – on trombone or Euphonium
  • Low bass clef – on horn in F
  • Extra-low bass clef – on bass trombone or tuba

The others of my versions, on other instruments, will require the pianist to transpose for the IMSLP accompaniment to work.

Of course, you may be reading this article as part of a search looking for accompaniments to use with the Rochut (“trombone”) version instead of my edition. I’m not sure there is a free option that matches exactly, but the Gumbert will work with many of the studies in this version. But be aware, Rochut uses a different key scheme so some are not in the same key in Gumbert as in the standard Rochut version, and also Rochut alters the order of the studies so you may need to hunt a bit.

In any case, I have no intention to publish an accompaniment, with the actual Gumbert edition so easily available. Make use of it! I need to make more use of this in my own teaching, low treble clef is a favorite of mine on horn.

For more on all of my versions visit the Bordogni page in the Horn Notes Edition website.

UPDATE: And I should have noted (thank you out there for the Facebook comment) that there is a SmartMusic version of the Bordogni as well, multiple versions actually, keyed to different pitch levels in the Benny Sluchin version. Pick really any of them and you can make them work, using the transpose feature in SmartMusic. Their trombone version matches the pitch level of the Gumbert edition. I’ll start using this in my office, it opens up the studies in a new way.

University of Horn Matters