Internet Memes: LOL Cats, ‘Goggies’ and yes, French Horns

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A meme is a virally-transmitted cultural symbol or social idea. Combining images into a humorous juxtaposition with some kind of photo editor is one way in how they can be created.

For those that may not be aware, Photoshop is image editing software, and I use it every day at work, and it is also something that I like to play around with at night.

Regular readers will know that I have an admitted Photoshop addiction and a quirky sense of humor.

While the majority of Internet memes are transmitted by young people under the age of 30, there are a handful of some older folks like myself that are hooked on memes and meme humor.

Anatomy of a meme

Memes – not to be confused with mimes – are typically layered with multiple references to several social issues and catch phrases of the day. The LOL cat craze is pretty big, so let’s start with a little kitty in building a new meme.

He is a frisky little critter – looking so cute and reaching up into the air.

That background is a little stark. It’s all white and kind of boring.

How about we add some color?

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Well, now the little kitty seems to be floating in space. Let’s give him a platform to stand on.

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Something is still missing and the little bugger still does not look right enough. And we also need to make this related to the French horn.

Luckily, with some Photoshop skills that is not too hard…

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Now we just add some text. The standard font for memes as seen on the Internet is Impact. (I have no idea why that is so.)

LOL Cat with Horn

Typically, the top row is the setup and the bottom row is the punch-line. LOL cats have their own vernacular called LOLSpeak. It is ingrained into its humor and appeal.

There. Now it is done and we have a bona fide meme!

Meme flood!

Now that you know the secret, here are a few more to enjoy. As always, click on any image for a larger view.

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LOL Cat with Horn - Puss in Boots

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Ironic Cat with Nice Horn

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Insanity Wolf with French horn

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Cute Kitty Plays Horn

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Dog with French horn

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Rage comics

Poking a little fun at myself, a few rage comic characters are added into this final image.

Meme - Clean your mouthpiece

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Bonus round

Here are a few horn-related memes – not created by yours truly – that have been floating around the Internet for a while.

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Please feel free to share any of these images!

University of Horn Matters