On Recording a Brass Trio CD

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Besides the normal things that keep horn professors very busy at the end of a semester I have, with my ASU colleagues Douglas Yeo and Deanna Swoboda, been recording a CD of brass trios.

trio-recording-sessionFor me this is a “comeback” CD of sorts, as my most recent CD came out in 2005, my Canto CD (more here). As I write this we are one session away from finishing up recording, and this view is of us on the first day of recording.

Even before editing I am pretty excited about this project, the group sounds great and we have had a great team in the recording booth. The studio is Tempest Recording, and Clarke Rigsby has our sound dialed in great. Rose French, a freelance hornist in Phoenix (runs a chamber ensemble, serves as horn professor at Grand Canyon University, etc. — an interview may be found here) is producing and keeping us on track; her assistance has been absolutely invaluable as well.

Musically you may be thinking what does a trio of horn, bass trombone, and tuba play? And how does it sound? We are playing a mixture of original works and arrangements, including brand new works by Paul Ferguson, Benjamin McMillan, and Elizabeth Raum. For a bit of the flavor of how we sound check out this earlier article, where a YouTube video of us playing a Reicha Trio arrangement is featured. In short (and I may be biased) the sound of the group is deep and full.

And speaking of Reicha, if you want to buy our two suites from Reicha for this very brass trio they will be published soon, I will have more news on all of this over the summer.


See this article for more on editing

See this article for more on mastering

UPDATE: The CD is out now, more here.

University of Horn Matters