Personal Safety Tips for Lessons

- - Please visit: Legacy Horn Experience - -
- - Please visit: Peabody Institute - -

If you are concerned about your safety with a horn teacher or colleague:

1.) Trust your feelings. If you feel uneasy or creeped out by someone, ask yourself “why?”

2.) Talk to others. They may be able to help you validate your feelings.

3.) Do a Google search. Using search terms such as “firstname lastname sex charges” may produce results. Try variations of these terms to see if you get better results.

4.) Use social media. Platforms such as Reddit allow you to keep your identity anonymous. You can ask direct, honest questions without fear of retribution.

5.) Try a background security check, perhaps even before you start with the teacher or work with the colleague. I have used this app – Reports cost as low as one dollar. Do leave some room for doubt. Try not to draw hard conclusions from online security check apps – they are not 100% reliable. But, they can point you in the right direction.

6.) Bring a friend. If you are already enrolled at a school and are feeling uncomfortable, try bringing a friend to your lessons (and offering to go to theirs) under the guise of “observing.” Or, ask to record your lessons for review and study after the lesson.

7.) Leave the room. In an absolute worst case scenario – leave your horn and leave the room. If necessary, knock on doors and make noise. Make phone calls. You can get your horn and personal belongings later, with another person.

8.) Seek out the Title IX office or HR office of your institution. Document incidents and keep records, even journal entries, as much as possible. A Google Sheet can do this –

Special thank you to contributors at and COR Community on Facebook.

University of Horn Matters