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Deep Thoughts


Op Ed: On Critical Thinking and Bias

The topic of prejudice has come across the radar of late - on several fronts at once. Funny how that happens. Within Horn Matters, John...

Deeper insights 5: Quitting?

As a final point in this series of deeper insights related to raising a handicapped child it would be this: giving up is not...

Verne Reynolds, man with a hobby

One way to know someone is by their hobbies. The name of Verne Reynolds should be familiar to Horn Matters readers, as Bruce and...

What Motivates Horn Players?

The question of motivations has long been of interest to me and closely relates to topics on which Bruce has written as well. Bruce...

Horn study impressions after a visit to Shanghai

As I write I am back in Taiwan after a week in Shanghai. A most interesting week, which we started arranging late last summer...

Rethinking Creativity and Thoughts on Trying Softer

Where does it come from? Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love gives an inspirational talk about creativity in this embedded video from TED. I particularly...

Mind the Gap

Interesting comments from Yo Mama .At the Butts in the Seats blog, the author writes about recent comments by Yo Yo Ma as televised...

Imprinted on a Sound

Thanksgiving can be a time of reflection, and recently I realized a somewhat deep thought with respect to sound. Starting on a basic level, the...

A Memory from High School

A newspaper clipping from years past. Thanks to a Facebook friend from high school, I have this newspaper clipping from the early 1980's. It was...

The Benefits of Being a Thankful Hornist

With this being the Thanksgiving holiday it is a good day to look briefly at the topic of being a thankful hornist. Many have...