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Horn Study

With a focus on horn study at the college level

Choosing the Right School

It is that time of year again; people are looking for schools for horn study. Last spring I had a specific question come in...

Bad Conventional Wisdom, part 1: Background, and a breathing story

As I shared in a workshop presentation back in 2010, I became a better teacher in 2008. I generated an article for Horn Matters...

Considering the “Backup” Career while Studying Music

A second career. For over a dozen years now, I have been a freelance web developer. It has had its up and downs, but in...

Are Highly-Rated Horn Professors Overrated?

A few days ago I saw a link to an interesting article with the title "Study: highly-rated professors are. . . overrated." The article...

One argument for playing off-the-leg

While getting back in shape from summer chops, I am playing the horn with the bell-off-the-leg (or even standing up, as my conservatory teaching...

Bad Conventional Wisdom, part 2: Tonguing misconceptions

Returning to the story of 2008 and my teaching and playing, I faced a reality that I did not do what I thought I...

Cruel Teacher, or Demanding Teacher?

Following up on the recent posts from Bruce Hembd, the topic of the CT (Cruel Teacher) is one that has resonated with many horn...

Dreams and Goals; Music Performance and Music Education

Note: this article is a follow-up to "The Community College Alternative" which stimulated quite a few comments. My own follow-up comment became a bit...

On Mentorship and Recovery from Abuse

This photo and the memories associated with it are among my most prized possessions. This is Milan Yancich, the man who saved my creative soul....

Dream Big, Think Small

In regard to a previous post - "Dreams and Goals; Music Performance and Music Education" - I have gotten some feedback though private emails,...