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Horn Study

With a focus on horn study at the college level

Classic study materials: The Pottag Preparatory Melodies

One classic publication I have come back to recently is Preparatory Melodies to Solo Work for French Horn edited by Max P. Pottag. This...

Considering the “Backup” Career while Studying Music

A second career. For over a dozen years now, I have been a freelance web developer. It has had its up and downs, but in...

The Enduring Enigma of Dale Clevenger

I have to confess something. I have mixed feelings about Dale Clevenger and his legacy. When I say this, please realize that this opinion comes...

A Fingering Chart for Single F, Double, and Single B-flat Horns

I know from the blog stats that people are looking for fingering charts for the horn. Typically horn fingering charts are somewhat confusing as they...

Thoughts on Choosing a School for Advanced Horn Study

The topic of choosing a school for horn study is a large topic. Any talented horn player will find themselves with several good choices...

On Mentorship and Recovery from Abuse

This photo and the memories associated with it are among my most prized possessions. This is Milan Yancich, the man who saved my creative soul....

Practice and perform effectively with the “three session a day” plan

Every year in my teaching the topic of how to practice effectively and maintain good chops for performances comes up with students. The tactic...

One argument for playing off-the-leg

While getting back in shape from summer chops, I am playing the horn with the bell-off-the-leg (or even standing up, as my conservatory teaching...

Music-Making and Personal Identity

In a previous article, I told the story of how I came to study with my mentor, Milan Yancich. At the time I felt broken,...

The Ultimate “Best Schools for Horn Study” Article

The question always comes up about what are the best schools for horn study. I have taken a stab at answering this question a...