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Performance & Playing

The physical side of playing the horn ... beyond the embouchure

Understanding Stopped Horn

Tucked away in a corner of Horn Articles Online for many years was an article on Understanding Stopped and Muted Horn and Right-Hand Position....

The “Tut Tut” Style of Tonguing in Horn Articulation

Clean articulations using tongue-stopping. With my very first baby steps on the French horn, my big brother gave me the Dennis Brain Mozart concertos album...

Reinhardt on the Eight Tongue Types

Working on my session that I will present next week at the Mid-South Horn Workshop I saw a reference to a discussion of tongue...

Taking Time Off from the Horn

As suggested by the pictorial piece last Friday of a horn case going into a closet, I am taking some time off from the...

Using the Horn Harmonics device to Find Custom Stopped Horn Fingerings

Several years ago I was given a sample of a wheel-like device for finding alternate fingerings called Horn Harmonics . At the time I...

On Phrasing in Mozart

Clues to look for in plotting an interpretation. In planning out a performance of a Mozart horn concerto, some theoretical knowledge of musical forms is...

Mailbag: On Oral Cavity Shape and Pitch Level

Recently on the Horn People group a question was posted that related to pitch centering, and what it was getting at I believe was...

The “Right” Fingering (II)

Continuing from Part I. To recap the general rule-of-thumb for tuning pitches within a chord: The tonic or root note should be relatively "on pitch." The third...

The “Right” Fingering (I)

The whole vs. the sum of its parts. The French horn's valve and tuning slides work together as a comprehensive system. Small tweaks and compensations...

Improvise your Cadenza

One thing that students hate to do is write their own cadenza. Once they get going they usually find it is not that hard...