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Performance & Playing

The physical side of playing the horn ... beyond the embouchure

Review: Recent Innovations in Stop Mutes, and Notes on Stopping on...

New products are always of interest at Horn Matters. Recently I heard of a new type of stop mute made of wood, the Woodstop,...

Why is my Horn Sharp?

One common question is that some models of horn seem to be built rather sharp, as in the main slide needs to be pulled...

Fingerings and Notations for the Single B-flat Horn

Exactly how to think of fingerings and notations for the single B-flat horn is a point of confusion for many music educators. I believe...

Rethinking the “Inner Game”

For many years many have recommended The Inner Game of Tennis as a resource for improving your performance. I found it helpful -- an...

Secrets to setting your French horn slides correctly

An article from the original HTML Horn Notes Blog, dated 2/3/05, on a timeless topic. One of the advantages of studying with a competent horn...

Epstein on the Horn and Summer Vacation

Eli Epstein, besides publishing a new book on horn playing, also has started answering reader questions on his Facebook page. His first post was...

The best French horn fingerings in the low range

A topic that comes up pretty often teaching is that of what fingerings to use in the low range, specifically in the range from...

Lessons in Vienna, part VII: The Long Call

This series of articles expands on notes taken by Nicholas Smith in lessons with Roland Berger in 1977. Then he asked if I had ever...

A Study on Hand Position: A More Stable High Range and...

I found the link in Random Monday this week to a recent (2009) study very interesting, on the topic of hand position. The title of...

The “Right” Fingering (I)

The whole vs. the sum of its parts. The French horn's valve and tuning slides work together as a comprehensive system. Small tweaks and compensations...