Home Practice


Practicing the French horn.

What are your Key Performance Indicators?

Being a diligent student, you have wisely chosen to think deeply about your practice routine. In tackling problems, you take a three-cycle approach of...

Ouch! My Finger Hurts (and I Don’t Know Why!?)

About five days ago the index finger on my left hand became extremely irritated. Over the course of a few days this irritation swelled to...

Gunther Schuller on Achieving the Ultimate Articulation, Slur, and Tone Quality

Another article from the archive of the original HTML Horn Notes Blog, first posted on11/8/04. This past year we have been honored to have IHS...

The Mid-low Register and Technique Development

An observation: there are horn teachers who don’t work with their students much on technical development. This is a shame. There really is a...

On Breaking the Rules and the 60-Minute Practice Session

To a certain degree we learn methods and rules in order to forget about them later and move on to other things. In "More on...

Keys to Avoiding Chop Problems

This past year I have been in contact with several players who have had embouchure problems, including focal dystonia. These can be very serious...

Opposites Attract: Thinking about a Balanced Approach

A balanced approach to practicing. For years I used to beat my face with endless blasting and loud dynamic drills in the hopes to gain...

Homemade Mouthpiece Buzzing Tool

The French Horn Articulation Resistance Tool. Buzzing on the mouthpiece is something that I would call a "concentrated" method. Even a small amount done daily...

Two Ways to Warm-up, and a Great Quote from John Barrows

Today in our horn pedagogy class the topic was the warm-up. One aspect of this that is little commented upon is there are essentially...

Introducing the Hosaphone™ Travel Horn

When I was a Doctoral student I traveled one time from IU to the Historic Brass Society event in Amherst with Rick Seraphinoff and...