Home Practice


Practicing the French horn.

Thinking Over the Daily Regime

As you start the New Year it is always a good time to re-evaluate your daily routine. Two recent posts on other blogs caught...

How to Practice, Part I: An Overview

The basics of the basics. An integral part of the daily practice ritual for any musician is calisthenics - the process of building physical and...

A key to horn success: “Hook up” your Low Range

Every year after ensemble placement auditions at ASU thoughts will come to mind. I was really happy overall with the quality and results of...

On the topic of “Flow Studies”

I recall a point in my Doctoral studies, I was taking a pedagogy class led by a trumpet player, and he used the term...

Brophy on Pitch Bending

One topic I get asked about, as it is one of the exercises in The Brass Gym, is that of pitch bending. I think...

Keys to Avoiding Chop Problems

This past year I have been in contact with several players who have had embouchure problems, including focal dystonia. These can be very serious...

On Breaking the Rules and the 60-Minute Practice Session

To a certain degree we learn methods and rules in order to forget about them later and move on to other things. In "More on...

Quote of the Week–Gardner on the High Register

If you are looking for a book to read over break, the Randy Gardner book is to be recommended. In particular I found this...

On the initial setup of the embouchure, and other thoughts on...

Of my recent publications the warmup book has sold the best (more info on the book here). Teaching this fall a side point came...

Physician, Heal Thyself: Part I – Metronomes

Metronomes can help or hurt depending on how they are used. As a computer geek and musician I am fascinated with new technology and I...