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Practicing the French horn.

On Practicing ‘Away from the Horn’

In last Wednesday's article I presented a few tips on balancing horn practice with a full-time job. For myself, keeping my chops in good...

Wellness, practice, and how to actually improve

This semester our guest for our horn day was Richard Seraphinoff. One focus was on injury and wellness, and that is a...

Opposites Attract: Thinking about a Balanced Approach

A balanced approach to practicing. For years I used to beat my face with endless blasting and loud dynamic drills in the hopes to gain...

On effective practice when your life routines are disrupted

Besides the topic of practice spaces addressed in the previous article (here), there is also the question of what and how to practice with...

Practice Records: A Reflective Learning Method, I

The benefits of a practice journal. One stand-out detail I remember from Nancy Fako's book about Philip Farkas - Philip Farkas & His Horn: A...

Farkas and a Blood Oath to use the F Horn?

The Nancy Jordan Fako book Philip Farkas & His Horn has quite a few little known facts and scenes from the career and training...

Quote of the Week–Gardner on the High Register

If you are looking for a book to read over break, the Randy Gardner book is to be recommended. In particular I found this...

Warming-up before Farkas: Basic Technical Studies by Harold Meek

Recently I had a realization that so far as I can tell I don’t recall seeing a warm-up routine described in any horn publication...

From the Mailbag: Ouch, My Shoulder Hurts!

A question has come to me through private email about shoulder pain: I've recently started playing horn again after many (many) years away, and I've...

On the Singer “Heavy Routine”

This week in the pedagogy class we focused on warm-up routines. One old standard discussed was the “Heavy Routine” found in Embouchure Building for...