Home Tips


Miscellaneous tips related to performance, practice, pedagogy, and repertoire.

Tips for Educators, and an Evolving Pedagogy

Recently, as part of a session with brass colleagues at our AMEA all-state, I presented a session for music educators, "Tips to Improve your...

Ask Dave: Long-term Storage for a Brass Instrument

It's the summer and you might be putting your horn away for a few months. Or, perhaps you have more than one horn and...

Tips for a Successful Recital Poster

UPDATE: 10/19/2010 - a revised graphic and final word. This is the time of year when academic music performance majors are planning recitals. A big factor...

Tip of the Week: Improving Transposition Skills with ‘I-IV-V-I’ Practice

One of the most popular PDF downloads from the Horn Matters site is a transposition chart, located within our Resources area. Roughly defined, music transposition in performance requires a player...

Tip of the Week: Play to the End of Time

Many years ago (in a location I cannot remember) I attended a concert of the Munich Philharmonic while they were on an American tour....

Is it a Reality Show? Tips on Auditions

This article of tips on taking auditions was originally posted to the site in early 2009, but was later cut (along with a large group...

Tips on Surviving Very Long Concerts

Odds are that if you were to play one opera in your life, it would most likely be Carmen. When recently playing principal in...

Tilt, the Secret to Mid-Low Range Power

People are always looking for horn secrets. One difficult range for many players is the “cash register” just below the staff, getting the notes...

Those Pesky Long Tones, a Key to Better Playing?

It is interesting to me how actually a very simple topic like long tones can also be a hot button topic. Back in 2008...

A Few Audition Tips

Audition observations from a committee member. Recently I had the pleasure of being on an audition committee for the Arizona Opera. It has been a...