Home Tips


Miscellaneous tips related to performance, practice, pedagogy, and repertoire.

PSA: Another Big Reason You Should Clean Your Horn

In the first paragraph of an NPR article we learn "One musician in Connecticut learned the hard way about the dangers of not cleaning...

Ask Dave: Long-term Storage for a Brass Instrument

It's the summer and you might be putting your horn away for a few months. Or, perhaps you have more than one horn and...

The “Support from the Diaphragm” Myth

Last night, Randy on American Idol said something that made me go "oh boy." As the audience applause swelled before a transition to co-host Ryan...

PSA: C-sharp (fourth space) Should be One of your Best Notes

Intonation is always a topic among hornists. One note I listen for carefully is C-sharp, third space. This should be a great note; often...

Tilt, the Secret to Mid-Low Range Power

People are always looking for horn secrets. One difficult range for many players is the “cash register” just below the staff, getting the notes...

Tips to Consider to Improve Your Auditions

I judged two concerto competitions on Thursday, which reminded me of this post full of tips on taking all types of auditions from the original...

Transposition Tricks: Bass Clef

An old trick for reading concert-pitch bass clef. Many times at freelance gigs, I am expected to play at sight all sorts of music -...

An Important Tip from Quantz on Cadenzas

Students often struggle a bit with their cadenzas. With juries (performance exams) coming for many horn students the next two weeks, the following quote...

Tips from another Bruce

Martial artist Bruce Lee was a childhood hero of mine. While the quality of his movies has not held up well over time, his...