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Articles on the instruments we play

Some notes on the art of Geyer (and Knopf) style horns

In the past month I have had the luxury of visits to my studio by two excellent horn makers (Atkinson and Patterson) and a...

A Garland on Your Bell: Not Just Bling

One option out there from a few horn makers is a garland, an extra band of metal added to the edge of the bell...

Topic: “Clicks” and valve changes

I have been working on final editing of a series of new Bordogni publications (more soon!) and have been playing as a result a...

The Americanization of a Yamaha

When I sold my high-end custom horn I made a conscious decision. I wanted to have two different horns that suited the different gigs...

What is a Professional Quality Horn?

A conversation I end up having fairly often is on the topic of what makes a horn a professional quality horn. Many horns are...

High Notes, or Why you might need a New Horn or...

Nothing can inspire you to practice more than a horn that clearly plays better than what you have been playing. In my case, I...

Accuracy, intonation, tone. You need them all, so what type of...

In a very recent Horn People discussion there was a topic posted related to triple horns, more specifically to the question of if the...

Where to Go Try New and Used Horns

There is a point when a more advanced horn player really needs a more advanced horn to keep progress going forward. That point is...

On Choices of Horns

This past few months has been productive and interesting in terms of practice and equipment. Two things drove this. One was being forced to...

Why you might need dimes to extend your valve levers

A few months ago I helped a student with small hands put vintage dimes on their horn. What she said in a note a...